Untapped Neurodiversity Consultants
An important part of the success and sustainability of Untapped’s neurodiversity employment programs is the provision of a Neurodiversity Consultant (NC) working alongside neurodivergent employees. NCs offer confidential and customised one-to-one workplace support, guidance, coaching, counselling, and training to navigate the workplace. NCs have developed an aligned approach to building understanding, support and workplace cohesion, enabling employment success for neurodivergent employees.
Neurodiversity Consultant's areas of support include:
One-to-one customised workplace support
Raising awareness of individual thinking and processing styles
Workplace accommodations
Development of individualised strategies and goals
Translating workplace social conventions
Awareness & advocacy
Building resilience and independence
Ongoing coaching and enablement

Understanding your neurodivergence
Improve acceptance of self
Perception management - owning your 'brand'
Building self-esteem and valuing self
Understanding and embracing strengths
Having a 'growth' mindset
Allowing success
Strong sense of self and capacity to navigate relationships
How to drive your life journey (including self determination and self-advocacy)
Receiving feedback for growth
Dealing with change

Feel safe Financial, physical presentation, mental health, socially integrated, physical health, work/life balance
Managing social exhaustion
Healthy sleep hygiene
Managing diet and physical health
Managing frustration levels
To achieve life goals
To move out of home and live independently
To access and use NDIS
To increase support in your life
To learn to drive

Respectful communication
Able to articulate workplace needs
Good written and verbal communication skills for different contexts
Capacity to say “I am skilled in this area” or be able to say “ I want to be skilled in this area”
Two-way communication
Appropriate use of humour
Appropriate electronic communication

Being able to say “I don’t know” or "I need help"
How to navigate bullying in the workplace, how to use workplace policies
Conflict resolution skill development
Starting, joining and exiting conversations
Handling physical and cyber bullying
Knowing who and when to ask questions